Without a shame Susan Sarandon admitted that she has had plastic surgery to preserve her youthful look to keep survive in Hollywood entertainment industry. Such as without the burden Susan Sarandon said she could possibly doing it again in the future.
It seems that Susan Sarandon was addicted to plastic surgery, but the one you should noticed here although she as addicted but she never overdo it. She is still so wise by choosing which is the best or not plastic surgery to enhance her beauty and youthful look.
If you see Susan Sarandon recent appearance you must be mistaken her as woman in 40 years old, but wont you believe me that she is already 66 years old? Susan Sarandon still looks dazzling and beauty and openly she said that her secret is plastic surgery especially breast implant, liposuction, botox and dermal injection.
The liposuction really effective make Susan Sarandon body looks more curved showing her body so perfectly. Its hard for us to found any aging sign on Susan Sarandon figure because of its seems that plastic surgery was work well here. Susan Sarandon admit that she got liposuction not only to make her body looks more curved but also she do it under her chin and eyes to abolish the turkey neck and eyes bag there.

She also got breast implant to make her looks sexier than ever as well as botox and dermal injection to abolish wrinkle from her face. The honesty of Susan Sarandon who admitted having plastic surgery was appreciated by Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer that says she looks good with her new breast.
Well as a reader what do you think about the issue of Susan Sarandon plastic surgery? Does she looks good or otherwise she looks terrible and overrated? Share you opinion bellow, so we can discuss about Susan Sarandon plastic surgery.