Shannon Tweed never feel ashamed to admit she has had plastic surgery as well as her husband Gene Simmons, of the band Kiss. As well as her husband did that full of controversy, Shannon Tweed also celebrity that never cant be separated from sensation and controversy.
Well known as adult magazine model, now Shannon Tweed realize that she can’t be young forever. And together with her husband, Shannon Tweed then conduct to got plastic surgery for so many times.
This couple, Shannon Tweed and her husband well known as the couple that loves to do plastic surgery for so many times. And without a shame Shannon Tweed always admit she has undergone plastic surgery and wont try to hide it.
The procedure of plastic surgery that could possibly conduct by Shannon Tweed is several time facelift and nose job that was combined with filler injection. There are a lot of photos that spreading on the internet showing Shannon Tweed that swollen and looks horrible after committed plastic surgery.
Shannon Tweed never denies it and said its true that she has been undergo plastic surgery for the facelift. Overall Shannon Tweed face looks younger than her real age, flawless and toned. But in other hand it seems frozen, stiffed, and has masked looks that could be crack anytime.
Her nose also looks weird. its quite sharp and pointed but bit plumped and disproportionate. Recently we can see Shannon Tweed appearance with shaggy and slacked skin on her cheek and neck as indication she should get other facelift trough plastic surgery.
Shannon Tweed will never stopped doing plastic surgery because its likely that she is already addicted to it. She need more and more to conduct plastic surgery to tuck every part on her body especially on her face.
In my opinion she looks weird and horrible, but what do you think? Do you agree that her face make her really horrible and really fake? I would to hear your opinion by sharing on the comment box bellow.