Is It Possible To See Katy Perry without Makeup?

Do you know the song of Teenage Dream, Last Friday Night or ET? Yup, those are the songs of Katy Perry. Who does not know the singer who has pretty face and powerful voice? What is she doing right now?

Katy Perry with and without Makeup Is It Possible To See Katy Perry without Makeup?

We know exactly how popular she is when it comes to the music. She started this journey a long time ago then she gets amazing fames in every album that she sells. Recently, she is rumored to make her comeback in fourth album.  Being asked about her future album, she said that she would not use any name from her past especially to keep the mystery of her album, but she made sure that all songs came from the truth, about her, her life and her past

Innocent Side of Katy Perry’s Face

If you check most of Katy Perry’s performances, maybe you will find different things in each occasion especially her hair, but one thing similar is she likes to dress like a doll with her wide eyed make up. That is why it will be so shocking to see her wearing no make-up at all. Recently, she was caught with no make-up in her face when had a vacation with John Mayer in Kauna resort Hawaii. Reported by one big newspaper in England, this no make-up appearance proved as a sign that their relationship became more serious than before. Well, actually that was not the first time she was seen wearing no make-up, last year, she showed her bare face in the movie “Part of me” which had been a trending topic after it was uploaded in Twitter.