In some occasions this woman who was born 6 January 1960 in London, England seems lose her hair. That is why this cookbook author and host Nigella Lawson could be require plastic surgery for the hair treatment. Actually she has natural beauty with thick hair that is inherent to her. But now, she has something wrong with her hair treatment and it makes she loses her hair.
Nigella Lawson is already 52 years old and it is common for people in 52 years old lose her hair. But, it is common just for men. That is why, it seems that hair loss in her case is abnormal and she requires some help from dermatologist.
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer didn’t agree that Nigella Lawson hair loss is caused by genetic or aging sign. He believed that Nigella Lawson just having a bad hair day that was combined with strict diet and stress. So actually, she needs no plastic surgery for the hair treatment. But if she needs it, it doesn’t matter for her as long as she doesn’t overdo it and keep wise on it.
It seems that she has found out the solution for her hair loss problem. Whether she wants to conduct plastic surgery or not, it seems that our cookbook author and host Nigella Lawson is wiser to choose proper and best treatment for her. So I hope Nigella should found the solution for her bad hair day sooner.