Today, reformation is something usual done by actress. They do some efforts to make their performance looked perfect in media and fans. Plastic surgery is one of favorite ways to do by actress to achieve their adorable performance. I think Heather Locklear is one of them. Heather Locker is an American TV actress, started her career in 1990 on the show and drama. She looked beautiful since her first appearance in TV. And now she is above 50 and still looks pretty.
In some interviews Heather Locklear states that she chooses the natural aging way. Do you agree? There are rumors that she has undergone breast implants. If it is so, she does it very well. Look at her appearance with big normal size, not too immense and looked natural, balanced with other parts of body. She also applies Botox injection for some parts of face. Something usually done by people to avoid aging, even they are not actresses.
Dr. David Shafer, a Manhattan plastic surgeon, believes that Heather looks great by applying Botox and fillers. Further, her neck and face are also indicated surgical procedure, like facelift.
Another expert plastic surgeon, Dr. Paul S Nassif states that Heather Locklear still looks beautiful in her age. There is no surgical procedure or injection in her eyes. Her cheeks look much chubby. It can be the result of injections or fat grafting. She got Botox like other celebrities but she does it normally. It makes her skin looks nice and appropriate in her age.
Overall, she still looks beautiful in her age with the very little help of plastic surgery.