Beautiful, slim, well-shaped, and perfect; those are the impressions you can see from the old pictures of Geena Davis, a multitalented entertainer who was born in 1956 with the full name of Virginia Elizabeth Davis. Amazingly, you can still see some of those nice qualities nowadays, when she is already 57 years old. Unhappily, such fact brings a negative assumption. Some people say that Geena Davis got several plastic surgeries so that she can perform well today. Well, in fact, for a woman on such age, Geena is categorized adorably great. Although the news keep boosting her plastic surgery rumor and experts believe that they truly happened, there is no confession from the actress. Therefore, the issue remains unanswered.
Speaking of Geena Davis, then we will talk about a multitalented woman who is known as film producer, fashion model (former), writer, and –of course- an actress. Previously, she was also recognized as an archery athlete through her achievement as an Olympic semifinalist. Her career in entertainment is unquestionably admiring. She starred numerous film titles, such as ‘Thelma and Louise’, ‘Stuart Little’, ‘A League of Their Own’, and ‘The Accidental Tourist’. The last mentioned has successfully brought her to an award of Best Supporting Actress in 1988’s Academy Award. Besides taking roles for plentiful films, Geena also took the credit as a television artist in America through some drama series.
The real facts of Geena’s current physical appearance –which is still admirable—and her being married to a plastic surgeon named Reza Jarrahy, have led to an assumption that she has undergone knife surgeries; including botox injection, facelift, lip injection, and eye lift. Nevertheless, some people are still convinced that Geena Davis’ fresh look on her age is the result of good diet and exercise; and surely her good gen of beautiful woman.