Lets try to compared Greta Van Susteren plastic surgery before and after picture, there you must be understand how hard she tries to looks perfect in front of the people. Knowing her profession as an anchor, you will understand that Greta Van Susteren pressured with the need to looks wonderful in front the screen.
That why she revealed her new appearance as the result of plastic surgery, people started to compared her before and after appearance. Some agreed that Greta Van Susteren looks good after the plastic surgery but the other party said she looks unnatural no and much better before her face was touched by plastic surgery knife.
Greta Van Susteren actually kind of pretty woman with or without plastic surgery. But as I said before her professions that always appear on screen requires her to always looks perfect and stunning in front of the camera. Since she decide to go under the knife, people then started to compared her appearance before an after conducted with plastic surgery.
People said that before her face was touched with some procedures of plastic surgery especially eyelid surgery, bro lift and possibly botox on her forehead. After got involved with plastic surgery, its true that Greta Van Susteren looks much younger than her real age but some reason they said that its not looks like herself used to. Greta Van Susteren has very long time standing on screen, that why its easy for people to compared her before and after plastic surgery was conducted.
After plastic surgery its seems that Greta Van Susteren brow lift looks more lifted than before. Before her eyes looks narrowed and after eyelid surgery we may see that hilarious big eyes without any eye bag as the sign of aging. Greta Van Susteren also got botox that was injected on her forehead, before it looks naturally aging with some wrinkles but after botox injection Greta Van Susteren forehead looks so smooth but stiffed and immobile.
So which one did you like? Greta Van Susteren before or after plastic surgery condition? Well You are more than welcome to share your opinion about Greta Van Susteren plastic surgery before and after condition by written that on the comment box bellow.