Goldie Hawn revealed her secret of beauty is with the help of plastic surgery. Goldie Hawn is one of Hollywood legendary actress that was well known with her pretty face and fabulous body figure. Her charming looks at some move in 60s and make her quite famous at that time. But Goldie Hawn is already 67 years old, and then she revealed her secrete of beauty and fabulous is plastic surgery.
Goldie Hawn without a shame admitted that she got plastic surgery as her fountain of youth. She even revealed at her 2005 autobiography “A Lotus in the Mud” she has undergone plastic surgery for breast augmentation. No wonder although already getting old Goldie Hawn bust area still looks very wonderful and stunning.
Her breast looks though and up, there is no sign it going to slacked down or shaggy sure that the plastic surgery for breast implant do their job well in this part. Although cant hide the aging so perfectly, but its seems that Goldie Hawn try her best trough botox and skin smoothing injection to get that toned and bit flawless face although in some occasion we still can see her wrinkle around her forehead, lip and eyes.
Plastic surgeon Dr Sherrell J Aston says Goldie Hawn looks good with the benefit of plastic surgery in the right way. Even Dr. Paul S. Nassif appreciate Goldie Hawn confession of plastic surgery and said she is wisely not to overdone on plastic surgery.
Goldie Hawn never feel embarrassed when admitted she got plastic surgery. At least we know this woman is telling the truth and wasn’t hypocrite celebrities who tries to hide their plastic surgery. Well how about you? Do you think Goldie Hawn already take the advantages from plastic surgery? I loves to see your comment about the issue Goldie Hawn plastic surgery by written your comments here.