Audrina Patridge make people suffer with their speculation whether its true or not she got plastic surgery to keep perfect body. Its likely that being international model gives extra pressure for Audrina Patridge to constantly look beautiful and perfect in public.
With that condition, Audrina Patridge always being old rumor she got plastic surgery to enhance her beauty and keep her perfect body.
In other hand, people also said that Audrina Patridge is too young to get plastic surgery. But till now Audrina Patridge going revenge to everyone by let them struggling whit the speculation she got plastic surgery or not.
Talking about Audrina Patridge plastic surgery is will be a long speculation. Naturally, Audrina Patridge is well bred and blessed with good genes from her family which is a mix between English, Belgian, Italian, Polish, and German ancestry. No wonder she looks so attractive and hot with or without plastic surgery.
The most strongest rumor that hit Audrina Patridge life is she got breast implant from plastic surgery to make her hotter than before. You can see the before after picture above. There people then took speculation by comparing before her appear on the screen and after she on it.
Previously Audrina Patridge looks quite skinny ith small cup breast that leaves much space on her chest. But now, we may see her breast quite though, rounded and bigger with up condition strengthens the rumor of breast augmentation is not only speculation.
But Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer and Dr. David Shafer, celebrity plastic surgeon in New York City both agree that Audrina Patridge breast is quite normal and there is nothing any traces she got plastic surgery before.
Well do you think that Audrina Patridge is really too young to got plastic surgery? Did you also agreed that her breast is real and not fake? Well I think Audrina Patridge is true beauty and she didn’t have to hear people speculation about her appearance. If you has same or even contrary opinion with me, please let me know by leaving a comment here.